In most instances, a music licence is required from both PRS for Music and PPL for you to legally make musical works available online. Play it your way . It can be used for personal use (such as wedding videos) or for performances such as school plays and amateur dramatics. If limits are exceeded, please contact the online licensing team on 020 3741 3888 or via email. We categorise services as small if their annual gross revenue for the service is less than £12,500. The LM licence has a capped limit of 250 units for PPL sound recordings. Starting a Record Label – Licenses, Permits & Insurance. MPLC's Umbrella Licence. Podcast & Misc. I've never heard of PRS for Music - how do I know you're legitimate? Any services with annual revenues of less than £200,000 can still be licensed through the LOML and LOML+ licensing … We would suggest every new service starts off on the lowest band and that you monitor the level of music usage after 3 months. in this FAQ. Icon Social Media Facebook Circle . No, we license the service hosting the content and not the individuals who upload works onto the service, therefore it is the service providers’ responsibility to take out the licence. Get Started. So an annual licence for 250 days for a canteen available to 135 employees would cost £224.85, according to PRS. I want to upload content which contains music to YouTube, do I need a licence? PPL Church Licence. Based on the data provided, background music can be as high as $500 to as low as $250 dollars. A summary of service types covered and fees. It depends how you are using music on your service. Music licensing companies have made their platforms easier to use, there are more of them than before, and there’s a lot more music to choose from. find out more. We were established in 1914 and carry out this role on behalf of thousands of songwriter, composer and publisher members. The Limited Online Music Licence is an annual blanket licence. Our Latest News 06 Jan 2021 Our licences are fine-tuned to your actual music use - featured music, live music or background music - or a combination of all three. We savour the biggest piece of cake when it comes to National and International sound recordings across 360+ top-notch music labels. For more information on how to license the synchronisation rights which you may require alongside the Limited Online Music Licence, please visit the Commercial Music Sync Licence page. When you’re ready, add tracks or albums directly to your cart to quickly purchase your license. The ASCAP repertory –- millions of musical works from ASCAP’s 790,000 + songwriter, composer and music publisher members and 90 + affiliated foreign societies -- provides an unmatched variety of worship music that is sure to inspire your congregation. It would cost $1,560 to play any and all music in this restaurant, and that’s just for the music licensing. We do however recommend you use licensed platforms to ensure works written by our members and members of affiliated societies are licensed appropriately. Visit the Performing Right Online Licence (PROL) page for more information. Digital and online music. What is the difference between music on-demand, webcast and interactive webcast? Those wishing to live-stream via platforms such as Facebook and YouTube should be covered by the existing licensing agreements in place with those platforms. If you are playing music/sound recordings with the objective of a commercial outcome, directly or indirectly, get a license from us and shake a leg legally! The Limited Online Music Licence is an annual licence that covers the communication to the public and associated mechanical rights (Excluding synchronization rights accept for the sectors detailed below) of our members' repertoire through digital services. No, PRS for Music is generally only mandated to issue licences for UK-facing online services. It may also be affected by other factors. Costs of a licence to play music. PPL licenses UK broadcasters to use recorded music on the radio, on TV, and in certain types of online services. A licence for music played in a canteen or rest room costs 14.99 pence per day, per unit of 25 employees. where users cannot select individual musical works to listen to or interact with the content, for example, pause, skip, or move forwards or backwards through the stream, or influence music output by rating tracks. Caravan and Tourist Parks. These are reasonable price range for licensing indie music projects. 01323 436100 Phone Support Talk with a knowledgeable specialist, 9:00am - 4:00pm Monday to Friday. What is the licence period for the Limited Online Music Licence? Licensing your music can be incredibly rewarding. Limited Online Music Licence Plus (LOML+), General Entertainment Online Licence (GEOL). In this case, YouTube would be the entity communicating music to the public and reproducing it digitally. Latest News ADVERT FOR … There is also another right relating to the specific recording of a work, the sound recording, which is usually controlled by a record company. However, if you are selling your music digitally through services such as iTunes, you will not need a licence. If you are selling the audio product/DVD directly on your website, you may need an online licence such as LOML to cover 30 second preview clips or trailers. If you have licensed the synchronisation rights via MCPS Production Music you will require a Performing Right Online Licence. If you require further information or help with your application form, please contact Client Services on 1300 182 457 or email