Detailed information on all the Zip Codes of Rockland County. Rockland County's coronavirus death rate jumped by more than 20% on Monday, when the county reported that a total of 241 people had died from COVID-19. Rockland County has begun listing COVID-19 related deaths by place, while noting the figures cannot be matched with ZIP code or municipal breakdowns due to the lack of complete address information. See an issue? *Data shown is >5 cases per zip code which is consistent with Collection, Disclosure, and Confidentiality of Health Statistics (77 Ill. Adm. Code 1005). Rockland County is the southernmost county on the west side of the Hudson River in the U.S. state of New York, part of the New York City Metropolitan Statistical Area.It is a suburb of New York City that is about 6 miles from The Bronx at their closest points. Search over 8,000 verified test centers in the US. MAP: Find The Number Of COVID-19 Cases In Illinois By ZIP Code. The increase came as Gov. On this site you will find information on all USA Zip codes and many tools to calculate distance between zip codes, shipping costs, zip codes radiuses etc. Nancy Cutler writes about People & Policy. Source: New York State Cancer Registry The county's cases are still rising rapidly. Contact us Learn more. Please see footnotes below for more details. ROCKLAND CORONAVIRUS TESTING: Is jump in virus detection an anomaly or a trend? Rockland County also provides municipal case numbers. Zip code is zip code of residence, which may not be location of exposure. By ... Cuomo says the 10 zip codes with the worst coronavirus infection rate don’t even make up three percent of the state’s population but represent a quarter of the cases. The citywide average is about 1.5 percent. The study is focused on delivering at-home test kits to people experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, with an emphasis on testing in underrepresented communities and populations. Tags: coronavirus, Instagram, HEalth, Zip code, COVID-19 ORLANDO, Fla. – The Florida Department of Health has posted an interactive map showing the coronavirus cases in each zip code … On Wednesday, there were 1,500 active cases, up from 1,072 on Friday and a huge increase from 272 on Sept. 16. The ZIP code 45011 in Butler County continues to lead the state in coronavirus cases reported in the previous two weeks, according to the Ohio Department of Health. Here are the total number of positive COVID-19 cases by ZIP code in Rockland County, based on state data: 1,253 - Spring Valley (10977) 1,030 - Monsey (10952) 477 - New City (10956) The coronavirus clusters in Orange and Rockland are in the Ultra-Orthodox communities in Monsey and Spring Valley. 1-800-425-1169. Covariates for all available regions include demographics, mobility reports, government interventions, weather and more. Richland County, SC zip codes. Let us know and we'll fix it. Other drive-thru sites in the county include Crystal Run Healthcare in West Nyack, Good Samaritan Hospital in Suffern, and MedRite in Spring Valley. ROCKLAND COUNTY, NY — Restrictions will take effect at 12:01 a.m. Friday in the red and yellow zones at the core of Rockland County's coronavirus outbreak. This dashboard will be updated daily. ZIP+4 Database. Postal Code Database. All Rockland county zip codes, area codes, list of counties, cities and maps. Testing is critical for overcoming COVID-19. 145,811 COVID-19 Test Results Reported to New York State Yesterday 20 ZIP Codes in Areas with Hot Spots - Brooklyn, Queens and Orange and Rockland Counties - Have 5.8 Percent Positivity Rate Statewide Positivity Excluding Hot Spot ZIP Codes is 1.01 Percent; 1.26 Percent with Hot Spot ZIP Codes Included 10 COVID-19 Deaths in New York State Yesterday Home | Products | Learn About ZIP Codes | Find a Post Office | Search | Contact | FAQs. ZIP Code API. By David Eads, Chicago Reporter, Paula Friedrich. The map below shows the cumulative cases for each area as well as other analysis of the data. That rate is now 4.5%. Governor Cuomo: Concerns about Coronavirus Cases in Brooklyn, Orange and Rockland Counties . As of Monday, more than 2% of the population in six ZIP codes had tested positive for the coronavirus. ZIP Code API. Let us know and we'll fix it. There are currently 272 active cases in Rockland County with six people currently hospitalized and confirmed to have COVID-19. Account Login. Your California Privacy Rights / Privacy Policy. Coronavirus: Rockland County Maps Cases; Deaths Double - New City, NY - Rockland was mentioned in a White House crisis briefing on the new coronavirus. Zip Code Database List. Welcome to COVID-19 Data Insights, which will complement the daily COVID-19 Cases in Virginia report with more in-depth analyses. Get Tested COVID-19 is a project run by a team of volunteers working to provide accurate information about test centers and testing resources for the US. Rockland County, NY zip codes. © 2021 “While interesting and informative, the ZIP Code data is not a tool to calculate risk of engaging in certain activities,” said Dr. Shah. This dashboard shows results of the greater Seattle Coronavirus Assessment Network (SCAN) study. Richland County, SC zip codes. This dashboard relies on multiple data systems at the state and local levels, and experiences occasional fluctuations as those systems coordinate and update data. Real-time data of the impact of COVID-19. ROCKLAND COUNTY, NY — County Executive Ed Day Monday afternoon released information about where cases of the new coronavirus have been confirmed in Rockland. For subscriber-only Rockland County news, visit,, Your California Privacy Rights/Privacy Policy. As of Friday, the county's total deaths from the coronavirus had stood at 200. County's COVID-19 Hotline at (845) 238-1956 is available Monday-Friday (Except Holidays) from 8:00 am-5:00 pm. Densely-populated Philadelphia ZIP codes continue to show the largest numbers of COVID-19 infection. Also, the Rockland County Planning Department has developed a hub site for the county’s dashboards that provides all of the local information regarding the coronavirus in one place. ZIP+4 Database. Please continue to take the commonsense precautions which have helped us get to where we are today.”, View the new Hub site and Active Case Map here: The active case map, which consists of confirmed positive results dated within the last two weeks that have been reported to the Rockland County Department of Health, will be updated on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Breast Cancer Incidence by ZIP code , Rockland County, 2005-2009. For subscriber-only Rockland County news, visit to sign up for a subscription. April 14, 2020, 6 a.m. CT . WASHINGTON HEIGHTS, NY — A Washington Heights zip code has the most reported coronavirus cases in Manhattan, according to new Health Department data about the pandemic.. Zip code 10032, which extends from West 153rd Street to West 173rd Street, had 308 positive cases of coronavirus as of March 31, meaning 56 percent of the 548 people tested for the virus tested positive … Tags: coronavirus, Instagram, HEalth, Zip code, COVID-19 ORLANDO, Fla. – The Florida Department of Health has posted an interactive map showing the coronavirus cases in each zip code in Florida. Breast Cancer Incidence by ZIP code , Rockland County, 2005-2009. A live-updating map of novel coronavirus cases by zip code, courtesy of ESRI/JHU.Click on an area or use the search tool to enter a zip code. Search over 8,000 verified test centers in the US. The COVID-19 Cases by ZIP Code Dashboard displays the most recent preliminary data reported to the Ohio Department of Health (ODH) about cases and case rates per 100,000 population by ZIP Code of residence. Lab-confirmed COVID-19 … That rate is now 4.5%. The county is nearing the point where its two hospitals will be overwhelmed, he said at a news briefing. >>> because of that, every 14 days, county leaders are updating the covid-19 cases by zip code web site. Account Login. Get Tested COVID-19 is a project run by a team of volunteers working to provide accurate information about test centers and testing resources for the US. The latest maps and charts on the spread of COVID-19 in Los Angeles County, including cases, deaths, closures and restrictions. Discover the latest resources, maps and information about the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak in your community A new cluster of coronavirus cases in Rockland County has been linked to a house party and officials are asking anyone linked to it to cooperate and get tested. Discover the latest resources, maps and information about the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak in Will County, IL. Rockland hosts a state-run drive-thru testing facility off the Palisades Interstate Parkway at the Anthony Wayne Recreation Area. 1-800-425-1169. ZIP Code Database. On Friday, the county released multiple maps showing new COVID-19 cases by zip code in Mecklenburg County, as well as any outbreaks at congregate living facilities. 1-800-425-1169. Rockland County has added an active case map to its COVID-19 Map Dashboard that provides a breakdown based on ZIP code. All of those ZIP codes have had positivity rates of more than 3 percent in recent days, and some have reached 8 percent. Stay safe. Rockland County Coronavirus Update: 16,670 Cases - New City, NY - The Rockland County Department of Health reported 16,670 total cases as of Monday. Data Source: New York state and county government health departments : New York state and county government health departments The 45503 ZIP code, which has the highest number of COVID-19 cases in Clark County, accounts for 23.5 percent of total coronavirus cases. According to county data, there are 400 documented coronavirus cases each in the 10977 and 10952 ZIP codes. CDC updates COVID-19 cases by zip codes. Zip Code Database List. County Executive Ed Day said the active case map "should serve as a reminder that we must remain vigilant and learn to live with this disease. COVID-19 cases and deaths are categorized as probable or confirmed. On Wednesday, there were 1,500 active cases, up from 1,072 on Friday and a huge increase from 272 on Sept. 16. The county's map of ZIP code results, though, provides a percent-of-population number for each ZIP code in Rockland. See an issue? The Rockland County Department of Health has partnered with Good Samaritan Hospital to provide the testing for schools within the yellow zone. “While interesting and informative, the ZIP Code data is not a tool to calculate risk of engaging in certain activities,” said Dr. Shah. By Stephen Betts - Jan 14 The Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention updated Jan. 13 its case information broken down by zip codes. ZIP codes with higher rates of cases per 100,000 residents appear as a darker shade of blue than zip codes with lower rates of cases. Rockland County is experiencing a new rise in coronavirus cases and officials are now urging people to take precautions during the High Holy Days. ZIP Code Database. Confirmed Case: Positive result from a molecular test, such as a PCR test. Home | Products | Learn About ZIP Codes | Find a Post Office | Search | Contact | FAQs. Account Login. That's because the county uses the state's reported cases for ZIP codes, but only county-confirmed cases for the municipality lists, including a town-wide chart and a list divided into towns and villages. Five more hospitalized cases are under investigation. Here's a list of where the confirmed coronavirus cases are located, according to the Rockland Health Department: Robert Brum is a Rockland County-based reporter and editor. State officials say there are at least 10 New York zip codes that are seeing an uptick in COVID-19 cases with Rockland and Orange counties topping the list. Orange County does not publish coronavirus case information by ZIP code. Find a nearby COVID-19 test center. However, areas in Allentown, Bethlehem, Lancaster, Bensalem and Altoona are not far behind. Testing is critical for overcoming COVID-19. MAP: Arizona coronavirus cases by zip code. The Rockland County Department of Health has partnered with Good Samaritan Hospital to provide the testing for schools within the yellow zone. Coronavirus ZIP code map: Where COVID-19 cases are rising fastest in Arizona Justin Price, Arizona Republic Editor's note: The maps below automatically update daily, when the state's data is updated. New restrictions are coming in Rockland County where COVID-19 infection rates have risen exponentially. Those ZIP codes are: Rockland County 10977 -- 30% positive 10952 -- 25% Orange County 10950 -- 22% Brooklyn 11219 Borough Park 5.26% 11210 Flatlands/Midwood 4.08% … Follow her on Twitter at @nancyrockland. Do not rely solely on ZIP Code data when making decisions on what you should or should not do amid the pandemic, Maine CDC Director Dr. Nirav Shah said Oct. 28, during a COVID-19 update briefing. The county's cases are still rising rapidly. Orange County does not publish coronavirus case information by ZIP code. Stay safe. “Key with these clusters is to jump on them quickly, attack them from all sides. SCAN Dashboard (External link) UPDATED DAILY. Illinois releases the number of positive COVID-19 cases by ZIP code daily. Detailed information on all the Zip Codes of Richland County. COVID-19: Rockland suffers first fatality since July 27; positive test results drop to 1.6%. Andrew Cuomo announced that New York had exceeded 10,000 deaths from COVID-19. County's COVID-19 Hotline at (845) 238-1956 is available Monday-Friday (Except Holidays) from 8:00 am-5:00 pm. Zip Code Database List. Andrew Cuomo said the state would start targeting zip codes to identify clusters. This map summarizes counts and rates of cumulative COVID-19 cases by zip codes in Santa Clara County. The clusters are mainly located in Downstate New York areas of Rockland and Orange counties, Brooklyn and Queens. But some Upstate communities have had clusters as well, including in Broome County. Postal Code Database. All rights reserved. The county data also exclude the rate of testing within an area, another factor that could muddle comparisons. The state's color-coded maps of focus zones in microclusters can change fast, don't follow zip codes or town borders, and are often announced by state officials with little warning. Numbers for all ZIP codes can be found at the county's website, ODH is making COVID-19 data available for public review while also protecting patient privacy. Various factors — including the varied population size of ZIP codes — can make it tricky to compare COVID-19 rates from zone to zone. Do not rely solely on ZIP Code data when making decisions on what you should or should not do amid the pandemic, Maine CDC Director Dr. Nirav Shah said Oct. 28, during a COVID-19 update briefing. Daily time-series epidemiology and hospitalization data for all countries, state/province data for 50+ countries and county/municipality data for CO, FR, NL, PH, UK and US. - open-covid-19… Haz clic aquí para la versión en español. That was slightly up from Friday's hospital census, when 210 people were hospitalized in Rockland with confirmed COVID-19 and another 258 were in the hospital under investigation for COVID-19. Some of the highest numbers are in the northern suburbs. we're seeing higher number of cases than at any point in the pandemic and our hospitals are straining, trying to take care of everyone and we still haven't seen the full effects from christmas and new year's yet. WESTCHESTER: COVID-19 deaths jump 43% over the weekend, NURSING HOMES: State releases county breakdowns of COVID-19 deaths, CORONAVIRUS: Lockdown weighs on mental health of high schoolers. Coronavirus: Rockland's COVID-19 death rate jumps 16%; Friday's updated cases by ZIP code Rockland's death toll hit 200 on Friday, according to data released by county officials. Detailed information on all the Zip Codes of Richland County. "That's what the numbers say," Cuomo said. Unless specifically labeled as "probable cases," data on cases are for confirmed cases only. ROCKLAND COUNTY, NY — Restrictions will take effect at 12:01 a.m. Friday in the red and yellow zones at the core of Rockland County's coronavirus outbreak. July 1, 2020 video These data do not necessarily mean that one zip code or neighborhood is more or less safe than another. Active COVID Cases by ZIP Code Here's a list of where the confirmed coronavirus cases are located, according to the Rockland Health Department: 75 - Monsey (10952) 70 - Spring Valley (10977) Postal Code Database. To subscribe to The Rockland Angle, a nightly email newsletter exclusively for Rockland County news, features and other essential information, visit, check the Rockland Angle” box and submit your email address. It should be assumed that COVID-19 exposure can occur in every county in IL. A larger number of tests given could produce larger positive results. Source: New York State Cancer Registry Here are postal regions with the highest rate of positive coronavirus tests based on 2018 Census population figures: Other ZIP codes were approaching the 2% mark, including New City, with 1.97% of its 31,691-person population considered positive for COVID-19, and Thiells, with 1.83% of its 3,065 residents marked by the state as positive for the coronavirus. But the two data sets are not comparable. Support local journalism; go to to find out how. Click here for her latest stories. As Brooklyn and Rockland and Orange counties report a spike in coronavirus cases, Gov. Rockland reported 227 people with confirmed COVID-19 were in the hospital as of Monday, and another 270 were in the hospital under investigation for COVID-19, either awaiting testing or awaiting results. ZIP+4 Database. ZIP Code API. A tool on the NY Forward site at lets you to check to see if an address is in a microcluster focus zone. County's COVID-19 Call Center 845-238-1956 is available Monday-Friday (Except Holidays) from 8:00 am-5:00 pm or email; New York State COVID-19 24-hour Hotline 1-888-364-3065 or Ask a Question; Guidance, Regulations, & Safety Information County maps reveal suburban spread of coronavirus infections. Home | Products | Learn About ZIP Codes | Find a Post Office | Search | Contact | FAQs. An increase in the number of tests completed in any … ZIP Code Database. New York's hospitalization rate, though, appeared to hit a plateau, a key sign that social distancing measures had helped quell the spread of the coronavirus. New York is seeing troubling clusters of increasing coronavirus cases in the borough of Brooklyn and Orange and Rockland counties with infection rates as high as 30% in one ZIP code, Gov. Here are the total numbers of positive coronavirus tests by Rockland County ZIP codes, as reported by New York state: 1,209 - Spring Valley (10977) 1,008 - Monsey (10952) 444 - New City (10956) Find a nearby COVID-19 test center. Contact us Learn more. The county's map of ZIP code results, though, provides a percent-of-population number for each ZIP code in Rockland. ... COVID-19 cases in Illinois by ZIP code: Search for your neighborhood . Https: //, Your California privacy Rights/Privacy Policy within the yellow zone had positivity rates of COVID-19.: Find the number of positive COVID-19 cases in Illinois by ZIP codes Santa. | Contact | FAQs active case map to its COVID-19 map Dashboard that provides a percent-of-population number for each as... 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