The additional -ku- in brackets is the infinitive marker of the original verb, although it may be omitted as long as stress rules allow. Every class up to 11 can be regarded as inherently singular or plural. Inflecting adjectives are true adjectives which are prefixed with an adjective concord. This page documents the grammatical details of the conjugation of Swahili verbs. The following table shows the structure of the verb templates, notably the positioning of the relative morpheme, here labelled "REL". BAKITA is an organisation dedicated to the development and advocacy of Swahili as a means of national integration in Tanzania. yeye fanya kazi sana instead of yeye anafanya "he works hard"; kwenda pika chakula instead of kwenda ukapike chakula "go and cook food". The negative subjunctive is indicated by adding the syllable -si- into the tense slot, with the positive subject prefix being used rather than the negative. Para el idioma homónimo, véase idioma suajili.. Los suajili son una etnia y cultura situadas en la costa este de África, principalmente en las regiones costeras e islas de Kenia, Tanzania y norte de Mozambique. Deliverable #1(June 29): Advanced Swahili transducer(>10k entries) with basic bilingual dictionary; Week 5(June 29-July 5): - Continue work on bidix: add nouns and verbs - Focus on verbs - Transfer rules from eng-lin, kaz-eng, and eng-fre - Transfer rules for verbs in both directions Another example is the way verbs are built. ', literally 'You are in what condition?'). In the inner regions of Tanzania, Swahili is spoken with an accent influenced by local languages and dialects, and as a first language for most people born in the cities, whilst being spoken as a second language in rural areas. Some examples of common verbs are kuanguka "to fall", kufanya "to do, to make", kuona "to see", kuwaza "to think", kusaidia "to help". This process is called agreement or concord. Till this day, Tanzanians carry a sense of pride when it comes to Swahili especially when it is used to unite over 120 tribes across Tanzania. We have extensively dealt with how to read and pronounce them in Swahili. A resemblance, or being a bit like something, implies marginal status in a category, so things that are marginal examples of their class may take the ki-/vi- prefixes. This intrusive -ku- (which may be glossed as EXT for "extension") prevents the penultimate stress from falling on certain TAM prefixes (-na-, -me-, -li-, -ta-, -sha-, -nge-, -ngeli-) and relative prefixes, which are inherently unable be stressed. Its negative equivalent is formed with the negative subject prefix plus -ku-. This is outlined above. This extension may account for disabilities as well: kilema "a cripple", kipofu "a blind person", kiziwi "a deaf person". In Agwuele, Augustine and Bodomo, Adams (eds), The Routledge Handbook of African Linguistics, 359–375. Singulars only, from Steere's book (93 cards) 2013-08-16 . Relatives are relativised verbs which can be used as adjectives. For example, the verbs kulewa ("to get drunk"), kuchoka ("to become tired") and kuchelewa ("to become late") describe the respective changes to state from "not drunk" to "drunk", from "not tired" to "tired" and from "not late" to "late". [1] El número de personas que habla el idioma suajili, sin embargo, ronda los 90 millones. In most languages with a verbal copula, the equivalent of the verb 'to be', it is this verb that exhibits the most irregularity and the most diversity of form. For example, the nouns wasichana "girls" and wasimamizi "overseers" belong to class 2, characterised by the prefix wa-, whereas kifuniko "lid, cover" and kisukari "diabetes" belong to class 7, characterised by the prefix ki-. These are only generalisations and there are exceptions in most classes. In standard Swahili, it may indicate a location associated with an animate referent, but is replaced by kwenye for inanimate referents. I want to use a phone. Stative meanings such as "be drunk", "be tired" and "be late" are formed by using these inchoative verbs with the perfect marker -me- (or, in the negative, -ja-). These may be regarded as inherently inchoative verbs. Swahili is a language that fuses African Bantu with Arabic. The locative classes also carry prefixes, unlike the locative nouns they refer to. The column labelled 'final vowel' is only relevant for "short" and "common verbs", with "loan verbs" remaining invariable here with the exception of the -ni suffix added to indicate 2nd person plural address. This list is based on Swahili and Sabaki: a linguistic history. Another class with broad semantic extension is the m-/mi- class (Bantu classes 3/4). Because second language speakers in many areas have trouble with pronouncing and distinguishing /h/, the optional change from -ta- to -to- in the negative can provide a failsafe indication when a negative meaning is intended. The three simple tenses PAST, PRESENT and FUTURE may only be relativised in their positive sense. In older forms of Swahili, this -ko was generally absent, with the subject prefix appearing as a standalone word for the copula. Where context is clearly past, a narrative may also be begun with -ka-. Swahili may be described in several ways depending on the aspect being considered. For example, nouns for people, including agent nouns, are commonly in classes 1/2, while animals are often in classes 9/10. In the present tense, relative forms of the copula are formed with the subject prefix, the stem -li- in the positive and -si- in the negative, and the suffixed relative marker for the required noun class. Swahili verbs are words that convey action (bring, read, walk, run), or a state of being (exist, stand). "I am tired." In any TAM form, when the object is 2nd person plural, this -(e)ni prefix may also occur, but this is not shown in this table. The word mwanamke "woman" becomes wanawake "women" in plural. As with the present and past tenses, the positive present marker -me- cannot take the word stress and triggers the appearance of the -ku- extension in short verbs, but the negative marker -ja- is able to be stressed. Verbs agree with the noun class of their subjects and objects; adjectives, prepositions and demonstratives agree with the noun class of their nouns. Nataka kutumia simu to buy -nunua We need to buy more milk. [34] Swahili vowels can be long; these are written as two vowels (example: kondoo, meaning "sheep"). The adjective -ingine "other", is sometimes given inflections prefixes of the type found with determiners, following a verbal rather than a nominal pattern. For example, there are no true adjectives equivalent to the English adjectives "open" and "dead", however the verbs kufa "to die" and kufunguliwa "to be opened", when relativised, convey these meanings. In modern, standard Swahili, however, there is no great difference in meaning between these two forms as the "indefinite present" is more or less obsolete and rarely used other than its frequent appearance in media headlines. people or animals, so it does not generally mean it. Aprèn verbs catalans amb which was applied to the -l- in these verbs. Det er morsmål for dei ca. There are two present tenses in Swahili. Infinitives vary between standard ku- and reduced i-. Other nouns can be made locative by adding the suffix -ni to the end, although this is not available for proper nouns referring to places, any animate nouns, recent loanwords and some other arbitrary nouns. For more information, see Appendix:Swahili verbs.. Category:Swahili verb forms: Swahili verbs that are conjugated to display grammatical relations other than the main form. The three clitics, -po, -ko and -mo correspond to the locative classes 16, 17 and 18 respectively and indicate "definite", "indefinite" and "internal" location respectively. The form of the suffix involved ends in -ka and generally the harmonic i or e before it, although this may be dropped in verbs with a vowel final root; alternatively, the lost l of final vowel combinations may reappear and act as a buffer for the harmonic i or e. As with the other derivational suffixes (or "extensions"), loan verbs generally lose their final vowel before adding -ika or -eka according to vowel harmony rules. These include agglutinativity, a rich array of noun classes, extensive inflection for person (both subject and object), tense, aspect and mood, and generally a subject–verb–object word order. It is frequently used with the situational marker -ki- where it indicates a situation in which the action has been completed. Infinitives/gerunds of verbs are in class 15. Forms of the emphatic copula are frequently equivalent to a definite phrase in translation and are followed by relative verb forms as in the following example: Compare the above with the non-emphatic version of the same sentence: Location is indicated in the present tense by prefixing the subject concord to one of the locative clitics -po, -ko and -mo. Brackets indicate optional elements and slashes indicate alternative elements of which either (but not both) may fill the same slot in the verb. For the present tense and for simple subjunctives, only the verb stem was used, e.g. The causative suffix is added to verbs to indicate a person or thing causing another person or thing to perform the action of the original verb. As there is no negative imperative, forms beginning with usi- and msi- may also be interpreted as such. There were also differences in orthographic conventions between cities and authors and over the centuries, some quite precise but others different enough to cause difficulties with intelligibility. It may occur in the same contexts as other nouns and may, occasionally, even be derived into the locative classes by means of attaching the suffix -ni, as in kuangukani "in falling" (i.e. Temporary states of being are frequently expressed as if they were locations, generally with the -ko clitic. Swahili, also known by its native name Kiswahili, is a Bantu language and the native language of the Swahili people.It is a lingua franca of the African Great Lakes region and other parts of East and Southern Africa, including Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Kenya, some parts of Malawi, Somalia, Zambia, Mozambique, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). The Zanzibar dialect was chosen as standard Swahili for those areas,[21] and the standard orthography for Swahili was adopted. Before the present 'indefinite' marker -a-, subject concords are shortened to just a consonant or consonant cluster in a similar manner to the prefix which occur on the genitive preposition -a. The exceptions to this include cases when the copula ni (or its negative counterpart si) is used, as well as with the habitual form of the verb, which lacks subject prefixes. Much of Swahili's Bantu vocabulary has cognates in the Pokomo, Taita and Mijikenda languages[15] and, to a lesser extent, other East African Bantu languages. The following table shows a summary of TAM forms which will be discussed in further depth below. Many nouns for liquids are in class 6. [26], Swahili is among the first languages in Africa for which language technology applications have been developed. •University of Kansas: Swahili course • Kiko: pronunciation & grammar (University of Georgia) • Swahili course (+ video) • Verbix: verb conjugation & Swahili-English translation • Andika: Latin <> Arabic scripts of the Swahili language, online conversion • Aflat: online morphological analysis • The Swahili language and its early history, by Martin Walsh, in The Swahili world (2018) The exact number of Swahili speakers, be they native or second-language speakers, is unknown and is a matter of debate. Thus schools in Swahili are called Shule (from German Schule) in government, trade and the court system. CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (, grammatical tenses in the technical sense, "MASWALI MACHACHE YA USANIFISHAJI WA KISWAHILI (JINGINE AU LINGINE? Most notably, the forms lingine in class six, ingine or yingine in class 9 and zingine in class 10 may be heard. There are also many compounds which do not use the genitive preposition -a. Not all verbs from Arabic are in this group, however, such as kusaidia, which is an Arabic loan which happens to end in -a and is thus declined as a common verb. Occasionally these may be used in conjunction with a following noun for special emphasis. [9] A distinction between these two forms is not made in the negative, with both forms being negated the same way. -Ta- (and likewise -to-) cannot take the word stress whether in positive or negative and thus causes the appearance of the -ku- extension in short verbs. Un verb irregular, generalment, no es regeix per les mateixes regles de conjugació que utilitzen la majoria dels verbs. This Swahili verb conjugator tool allows you to conjugate Swahili verbs. The core of the Swahili language originates in Bantu languages of the coast of East Africa. Swahili verbs always carry with them the subject (and sometimes the object) and the tense. [45], In Somalia, where the Afroasiatic Somali language predominates, a variant of Swahili referred to as Chimwiini (also known as Chimbalazi) is spoken along the Benadir coast by the Bravanese people. The ki-/vi- class historically consisted of two separate genders, artefacts (Bantu class 7/8, utensils and hand tools mostly) and diminutives (Bantu class 12/13), which were conflated at a stage ancestral to Swahili. The preferred use of Arabic loan words is prevalent along the coast, where natives, in a cultural show of proximity to, or descent from Arab culture, would rather use loan words, whereas the natives in the interior tend to use the native equivalents. When the agent is included in the sentence, it is introduced by the preposition na, which is here the equivalent of the English "by", although in other contexts it is more usually equivalent to "and" or "with". Pronouns behave in many ways like nouns, having both plural and singular forms, being present in the full range of noun classes but no inflection for case, meaning that, for instance, there is no difference between we and us, which are both sisi. En Ramón sube las escaleras, sube supone una acción que está realizando, en Ramón ha crecido un montón, ha crecido supone un proceso que ha experimentado, y en Ramón está cansado, está supone un estado.. Accidentes gramaticales. Because the initial stem vowel of -enda and -isha takes the stress, this explanation does not sufficiently fit, however it should suffice to say that the distribution of their -kw- extension, among speakers who use it, is identical to that of the -ku- extension in other short verbs. The Kiunguja dialect, specifically the variant of it spoken in Zanzibar City, which has been made the standard dialect, goes a step further than many other dialects, requiring also that all verbs ending in -aa be passivised with the suffix -liwa even though the difference between /ɑɑ/ and /ɑwɑ/ is perfectly distinct. The reversive form of a verb indicates a reversal of the action of the original verb. The passive suffix must always be last in Swahili. ", (Roughly equivalent to "Slow and steady wins the race," or "A penny saved is a penny earned. [English Word] active verb [English Plural] active verbs [Swahili Word] kitenzi cha kufanya [Swahili Plural] vitenzi vya kufanya [Part of Speech] noun [Class] 7/8 [Derived Language] Swahili [Derived Word] tenda [Terminology] grammar [English… In these cases, two (or more) nouns are simply placed side by side. The development of language technology also strengthens the position of Swahili as a modern medium of communication.[30]. If a loan-verb ends with a consonant followed by -u, this u becomes an i. Verbs ending in -uu lose one u and replace it with -liwa. It is formed by attaching the subject prefix to the suffix -ngali. 1993. Most other authorities consider Comorian to be a Sabaki language, distinct from Swahili. An extension common to diminutives in many languages is approximation and resemblance (having a 'little bit' of some characteristic, like -y or -ish in English). Yet another construction which makes up for the paucity of true adjectives in Swahili is the ornative construction using -enye. The consecutive marker -ka- may combine with the final -e of the subjunctive mood to form the expeditous. Swahili Verbs and Grammar Essentials: Githiora, Chege: Libros en idiomas extranjeros Selecciona Tus Preferencias de Cookies Utilizamos cookies y herramientas similares para mejorar tu experiencia de compra, prestar nuestros servicios, entender cómo los utilizas para poder mejorarlos, y para mostrarte anuncios. Arvi Hurskainen is one of the early developers. Note that class 1 has the most irregularity and diversity of form. However, Settla can still convey these aspects by using other words and not verb-bound affixes. 1997. For example, the sentence "Dirisha limevunjika" means either "The window has broken," or "The window is broken." In Mombasa, it was common to use the Arabic emphatics for Cw, for example in صِصِ swiswi (standard sisi) 'we' and كِطَ kit̠wa (standard kichwa) 'head'. ('How are you? Several Swahili consonants do not have equivalents in Arabic, and for them, often no special letters were created unlike, for example, Urdu script. Here is an example of a verb with all slots filled: * This "(a)" appears when this is the final element of the word and is otherwise dropped. On occasion, the invariable copula may follow regular forms of kuwa in other tenses. Swahili Verbs. It is the diminutive sense that has been furthest extended. For example, just as suffix <-o> in Spanish and Italian marks masculine objects, and <-a> marks feminine ones, so, in Swahili, prefixes mark groups of similar objects: marks single human beings (mtoto 'child'), marks multiple humans (watoto 'children'), marks abstract nouns (utoto 'childhood'), and so on. For example, Ninakula , is a complete sentence which means "I am eating". Swahili is now written in the Latin alphabet. Very frequently, however, the suffix -eni is appended to the verb to indicate that the second person plural is meant: ninawaoneni "I see you all." The plural address marker -ni also triggers this final -a to become -e. Short verbs are those which, in their infinitive form, consist of only two syllables, such as kula "to eat", kunywa "to drink", kuja "to come", kupa "to give". button. For the sake of comparison, the following table also includes the genitive and ornative prepositions -a and -enye as well as the verbal subject prefixes for each class. The /r/ phoneme is realised as either a short trill [r] or more commonly as a single tap [ɾ] by most speakers. Swahili verb conjugation Swahili is a Bantu language of the Sabaki subgroup of Northeastern Coast Bantu languages. Class 16 is marked by concords based on pa- and indicates specific location. Compare for example: ninachoka "I am becoming tired"; nimechoka "I have become tired", i.e. The applications include a spelling checker,[27] part-of-speech tagging,[28] a language learning software,[28] an analysed Swahili text corpus of 25 million words,[29] an electronic dictionary,[28] and machine translation[28] between Swahili and English. The distinction between the "definite" and "indefinite" present tense forms appears to vanish in the first person as both begin with a na-, however short verbs retain their -ku- extension in the -na- tense and lose it in the -a- tense, allowing this distinction to still be felt, such as in (ni)nakula "I eat", in the -na- present tense, versus nala "I eat", in the -a- present tense. There is a pronunciation options on the app with that you can improve your speaking and listening of English . ), Phonologies of Asia and Africa 2, 841–860. Polomé claims that /ɛ/, /i/, /ɔ/, and /u/ are pronounced as such only in stressed syllables. Note that the -ku- extension does appear with -sipo- as the -po-, like all relative syllables, is unable to be stressed. Verbs whose ending in one of the front vowels plus a, (i.e. The basic derivative verb entry: ==Swahili== ===Verb=== {{sw-verb}} # {{sw-derform|appl|soma}}: to [[read]] for someone ====Conjugation==== {{sw-conj}} This entry would be for -somea, the applicative form of -soma. The words listed below are not the most common words, but a broad sampling of words.See the Word Lists page for more details. The exceptions are those ending in -au which use -lika'. / "I told him he should not go.". The expeditous verb form is frequently used with imperatives (and "polite imperatives" in the subjunctive), again indicating roughly "and then". Class 18 has concords based on mu- and indicates internal location. Object concords are generally the same as the positive subject concord, although there are a few exceptions for instances involving animate referents; 2nd person singular and plural, as well as 3rd person singular (class 1) all have different forms for subject and object concord. [12] In Guthrie's geographic classification, Swahili is in Bantu zone G, whereas the other Sabaki languages are in zone E70, commonly under the name Nyika. The ornative preposition -enye essentially means "having" or "with" and takes the same prefixes as the genitive -a with the exception of class 1, where it receives the prefix mw- instead of w-. Practica els verbs en línia. In older texts, -o-ote was frequently written as two words (e.g. [43] ("Of" is animate wa and inanimate ya, za.). There is, strictly speaking, no negative form of the situational, however the negative subjunctive may occasionally be used for this purpose.[11]. The purpose of this list is to give a rough idea of the Swahili language. There are a few digraphs for native sounds, ch, sh, ng and ny; q and x are not used,[38] c is not used apart from the digraph ch, unassimilated English loans and, occasionally, as a substitute for k in advertisements. Unlike standard Swahili, Settla verbs do not feature any negative, subject marking, relative pronoun marking, or object marking affixes. Tunahitaji kununua maziwa zaidi. Like nouns, verbs are formed by adding prefixes to a basic stem. For at least a thousand years, Swahili people, who call themselves Waswahili, have occupied a narrow strip of coastal land extending from the north coast of Kenya to Dar es Salaam, the capital of Tanzania, and also several nearby Indian Ocean islands (e.g., Zanzibar, Lamu, Pate). Spanish verbs form one of the more complex areas of Spanish grammar. For example, mkono is an active body part, and mto is an active natural force, but they are also both long and thin. The following table outlines the common sound changes. Según JoshuaProject, el número de suajilis es de 1.328.000. It is also possible to use the infinitive/gerund form which begins with ku- or, for a couple of verbs only, kw-, such as kusema "… (13 cards) 2014-04-04 . The anterior marker -sha- is also used with other TAM markers, simply sitting after them within the TAM slot. From the arrival of Europeans in East Africa, Christianity was introduced in East Africa. Swahili phrases agree with nouns in a system of concord but, if the noun refers to a human, they accord with noun classes 1–2 regardless of their noun class. The presence of an object prefix (including the reflexive ji-) causes the final -a of Bantu verbs to become -e. Note that the ji- prefix of reflexive verbs is an object prefix, meaning, for example, that the imperative of -jifunza "to learn" is jifunze "learn!" Plain adjectives are true adjectives which do not take concord prefixes. in English. Six different forms of verbal concord exist. Under the strict definition of the word, Swahili does not make use of infixes. The short verbs have passive forms that must be learnt separately. The perfect indicates an action or situation which occurred in the past, similarly to the past tense, however the focus of the utterance is on the relevance of this past action to the present moment. Standard Swahili has five vowel phonemes: /ɑ/, /ɛ/, /i/, /ɔ/, and /u/. (The TAM prefix -ja- can be regarded as belonging to either group, depending on the speaker.) Animate nouns (referring to a person or animal) are an exception and these occur with concords of the noun classes 1 (singular) or 2 (plural). In Kaye, Alan S. In linguistics, a noun class is a particular category of nouns.A noun may belong to a given class because of the characteristic features of its referent, such as gender, animacy, shape, but such designations are often clearly conventional.Some authors use the term "grammatical gender" as a synonym of "noun class", but others consider these different concepts. First and second persons, the -na- affix stands for the relative markers and are given.! 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Various estimates have been put forward, which vary widely, ranging from 50 million to million. The reversive form of yu- is formed in the following shows the most irregularity diversity... Encyclopedia project contractions, whereby the subject prefix plus -ku- Shimaore ), is the of! Thus schools in Swahili first being written in the other classes may be further extended anything. Are divided into categories so that you can also precede, -o-ote was written.