Production Code Treehouse of Horror IV is the fifth episode of The Simpsons' fifth season and the fourth episode in the Treehouse of Horror series of Halloween specials. They sneak back into his castle and stake Mr. Burns in his coffin, with Homer succeeding after initially staking Burns in the crotch instead of the heart (but not before Mr. Burns briefly comes back to life and fires Homer). The Simpsons Treehouse of Horror is an annual special episode of The Simpsons consisting of several parodies of horror movies, TV shows, novels, and other horror elements. Read more. (originally aired October 28, 1993) The first three Halloween shows are fantastic, but number four is the first one that really knocked it out of the park. 1F04 P1 Watch Conan O'BrienThe Late Bill OakleyThe Estate of Josh WeinsteinDisfigured Dan McGrathGreg "It's Alive!" Karen511. Meanwhile, in their spaceship high above the Earth, the two aliens Kang and Kodos laugh at the "foolish human" who is very frightened of an imaginary monster, while an identical creature begins attacking their craft. The Devil and Lionel Hutz barter on specific terms before the trial begins. Treehouse of Horror IV In the middle of the ride, Bart hears tapping on the window, but it is only Groundskeeper Willie, who says that he had to put down his mule and needs a ride. Later that night at the Simpsons home, Bart, now a vampire, visits Lisa's window. Starting with something simple (and all-inclusive! Meanwhile Homer's head is being used as a bowling ball in Hell (and his head cracks open, revealing a note that reads, Dear Homer "I.O.U. 4 Treehouse Of Horror III (1992) - 8.5. The camera zooms into a cemetery showing numerous tombstones and then the Simpsons home and the Simpsons break the floor and sit on the couch as zombies. Episode Number Treehouse of Horror IV He is a genuinely well-meaning good-natured person , and is one of the few in Springfield to whom that description applies. The vampire family prepares to bite Lisa. Bart and other member of The Simpsons family host 3 scary Halloween tales based on some paintings.The first story is called The Devil and HomerHomer is at work said to himself he sell his soul for donuts only for The Devil to turn up as Flanders who gives homer the donuts, while a sleep homer as the last part of the donuts as sent to hell for night until the trial.There had some really funny moment, I really liked the idea of Flanders being the Devil and while Homer is in hell, he add all the Donuts was really funny too.The next story we see Bart wake up after having nightmare dying on the school bus and Bart feels strange as it getting on the Bus to school and looks out window he sees a GremLin on the side of the bus and no believes him and end up going a bit mad.I didn't like this story that much, I did find it that funny, but I did enjoy the part when Flanders picked it up was little funny. Bart captured by the vampires and about to be bitten by Mr Burns. The Devil's jury includes Benedict Arnold, Lizzy Borden, Richard Nixon (who was actually still alive at the time, but owes the devil a favor), John Wilkes Booth, Blackbeard the Pirate, John Herbert Dillinger, and the starting line-up of the 1976 Philadelphia Flyers. He's then presented to Mr. Burns who suddenly arrives transforming from a bat and stands over Bart menacingly before biting him in the neck. The family then swoops in on Lisa only to stop and wish everyone a happy Halloween while going through a Charlie Brown Christmas Special ending parody with Santa's Little Helper imitating Snoopy's dancing and Milhouse playing Schroeder's tiny piano as snowflakes fall from the kitchen ceiling. Bart is in a dark art gallery full of surrealist paintings featuring the Simpsons. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. No one believes Lisa, despite her obvious evidence (Burns' unknowingly mentioning over the entrance intercom how the family will be "fresh victims for his ever-growing army of the undead", Burns' shadow moving on its own etc.). When he realizes that all the nearest doughnuts are gone, he sells his soul for a doughnut. He breaks through the window, pins her down and bears his fangs. If I don't finish this last bite, you don't get my soul, do you? Get a sneak peek of the new version of this page. Treehouse of Horror IV The first episode of season 5 in my fanon. Couch Gag Search for "Treehouse of Horror IV" on, Title: This causes the jury to declare Homer's deal with the Devil null and void and Homer's soul to be the property of Marge. Treehouse of Horror IV Treehouse of Horror IV Devil Flanders: Now remember, the instant you finish it, I own your soul for-- (Homer has already scarfed all but a small crumb of the donut) Homer: Hey, wait. Take a look back at these Hollywood icons in their early days to see how far they've come in their careers—and how little they've visibly aged. Devil Flanders: Uh, technically no, but-- Homer: (singing) I'm smarter than the Devil. (28 Oct 1993). It originally aired on the Fox network in the United States on October 28, 1993, and features three short stories called The Devil and Homer Simps An hour passes and Marge enters the bathroom to find the window open and Hutz is long gone. Mr. Burns has blood visible from his mouth which he quickly slurps it up. This quickly reveals to the family that he's a vampire while Bart changes into a bat and flees into the night. So please, release them all ! Bart is trying to sell his soul to the Devil for a Formula-One race car, and changing his mind. This great spoof from Bram stoker's Dracula, I find it really funny. "Treehouse of Horror IV" is the fifth episode of The Simpsons' fifth season and the fourth episode in the Treehouse of Horror series of Halloween specials. In a parody of the Tod Browning film Dracula, the family are watching TV to find out that a vampire has been attacking people with them drained of their blood with two teeth marks on their throat and a black cape was found at the scene. Back in the art gallery, Bart narrates the second spooky story. P2 Treehouse of Horror IV [Devil Ned has give Homer an enchanted doughnut.] But then, however, despite reluctantly agreeing to give back his soul, the Devil is not willing to let Homer best him and turns Homer's head into a doughnut. 7 of 11 people found this review helpful. But at night, they take on a life of their own. Bart tries to warn everyone about a gremlin on the side of the bus and Mr Burns is a vampire in another Halloween episode. Bart and Lisa then get on the bus on one rainy morning with Principal Skinner on the bus because his mother hid his car keys to punish him for talking to a woman on the phone. Just as he's about to bite her, Homer, hearing the noise, bursts into the room stopping him. Back at home, Marge looks at the phone book for lawyers. Episode - 1F04 First Aired - 10/28/1993 This go-around is done in the style of Night … -- Spanish 101, "Treehouse of Horror IV" {The aliens from a previous Hallowe'en special watch from space, scoffing at the foolish Earthlings who are frightened of a creature that does not exist. They become portals to Hell so scary and horrible and gruesome that-” … Homer sells his soul for a donut. This convinces Lisa that vampires are real, though Homer debunks her, despite a report following of Mr. Burns buying the Springfield blood bank. Lincoln the Vampire Slayer. The Simpsons are then invited to Mr. Burns' mansion for a midnight dinner in Pennsylvania. Original Airdate Zombie Family couch gag Devil Ned: Now, remember, the instant you finish it, I own your soul for... [Homer has already scarfed the doughnut, except for one small piece.] Want to share IMDb's rating on your own site? Homer openly mocks this loophole, to which the Devil promises that he will go to Hell eventually. There is a really good twist to that story , don't want to ruin it. “Treehouse Of Horror IV” (season five, episode five; originally aired 10/28/1993) I was contacted by an NPR producer recently for a piece she was putting together about the ever-increasing ubiquity of pop-culture references in entertainment. Homer: Oooh! As he chooses to go to work, Lisa warns him to stay home because standing outside the house are the Springfield Police Department, waiting to rip apart his doughnut-made head and enjoy it with their morning coffee. Signed, God"). On the way, Bart begins to relax at the thought of never having to worry about the gremlin again, but at that very moment, the gremlin shows up at the ambulance's back window and shows Bart Ned's severed head, causing him to scream uncontrollably. When he wakes up to get one to eat, he finds out from Lenny and Carl the remaining donuts were already eaten, with some being thrown at Grampa Simpson. Lori "The Amazing World of Gumball" Loud. "Treehouse of Horror IV" is the fourth Halloween episode of the animated sitcom The Simpsons, aired in the show's fifth season. Skinner becomes annoyed and closes the window, then forces Bart to sit next to Üter, the German foreign exchange student. Later, Chief Wiggum assumes that it's the work of a mummy and orders the Egyptian wing of the Springfield museum to be destroyed. This FAQ is empty. Trivia This is the second time that Ned Flanders becomes the devil. Report abuse. It encapsulates all that a Treehouse of Horror special should be: beautifully directed, have suspense and chills, all with snarky humor throughout. Whilst riding to school, Bart sees a gremlins on the side of the bus which only he can see. Bart keeps trying to warn everyone, but every time Bart looks, the gremlin hides and it even causes Otto to destroy Hans Moleman's AMC Gremlin. For when Marge tells him they won, he reveals that the pizza box was all empty. A deleted scene from this episode showing a demon bowling with Homer's head in hell was shown in the 138th episode spectacular. "Doughnut Homer" was used in the game The Simpsons: Hit and Run, in level 7, as an unlock-able outfit. For those that don't know, Treehouse of Horror is a yearly Simpsons Halloween special. Treehouse of Horror IV is the fifth episode of Season 5 and the fourth episode in the Treehouse of Horror series of Halloween specials. Realizing that he has put his foot in his mouth, Hutz asks to be excused to use the bathroom. The Devil and Homer Simpson Homer falls asleep, while Carl and Lenny eat all the doughnuts. The Simpsons family go to Mr Burns' haunted castle where they think that Mr Burns is Count Dracula. In a parody of the Twilight Zone episode, Nightmare at 20,000 Feet, Bart has a nightmare where the bus crashes and wakes up very paranoid. Hutz then returned with a pizza box, believing he lost the case. In a parody of Rod Sterling's The Night Gallery. Greatest Individual "Treehouse of Horror" Segment? Homer, after seeing no more donuts in the power plant, says he would sell his soul for a donut, for the devil appears to be Ned Flanders. Helpful. "Treehouse of Horror XIV" is a Halloween-themed episode from the fifteenth season of the animated comedy series The Simpsons. When she finally notices the vampires around them, the two try to flee. 86 The Halloween names (such as "Blood Curdling Cartwright") return to the closing credits. Written By Homer declares that he'll sell his soul for a donut, causing the Devil (in the form of Ne… A killer Krusty doll torments Homer like Chucky from Child's … ), "Treehouse of Horror IV" included an inspired parody of Francis Ford Coppola’s camp classic Bram Stoker’s Dracula (sans Keanu Reeves' hilariously wooden Jonathan Harker) and Stephen King's seminal miniseries Salem's Lot from Texas Chainsaw Massacre director Tobe Hooper. One Brain. The Devil agrees to Hutz's request for bathroom breaks every half an hour, and Hutz agrees that the Devil can choose the jury, serving as a reference to Jabez Stone, a fictional character who also sells his soul. They laugh contemptuously, but stop when they notice a gremlin on the side of their ship.} Lisa tells her parents that the only way to get Bart back to normal is to kill Mr. Burns. Meanwhile, back in the art gallery once again, Bart brings the viewers to the famous "Dogs Playing Poker" picture (Homer is frightened at this painting), explaining that they had a random story to go with it, but it was "far too intense and scary," so instead, they put something about vampires together. Bart watches the Gremlin tear one of the bus rear tires. "Treehouse of Horror IV" was directed by David Silverman and co-written by Conan O'Brien, Bill Oakley, Josh Weinstein, Greg Daniels, Dan McGrath, and Bill Canterbury.It is the fourth episode of the annual Treehouse of Horror Halloween specials. The next morning, Homer can't stop eating parts of his own head. As the judge prepares to sentence Homer for an eternity of death, Marge shows the jury a photo album showing their wedding day, where Homer's eating of the entire wedding cake sent them to the emergency room. Episodes with a alternative Gracie Films logo, Episodes in which a Character Swears Censored or Uncensored, Written by Bill Oakley and Josh Weinstein, $pringfield (Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Legalized Gambling), " Treehouse of Horror IV " (originally known as "The Simpsons Halloween Special IV") is the fifth episode of The Simpsons ' fifth season and the fourth episode in … Homer falls asleep at work, dreaming of a donut fashion show. The episode features three short stories: "The Devil and Homer Simpson", "Terror at 5½ Feet", and "Bart Simpson's Dracula". Later that night Lisa sees Bart and his friends floating outside his window and his about Bite Lisa that when Homer walks find out Bart is the vampire, Lisa tells Homer to kill Mr Burns, As Homer dose, but was Mr Burns the really leader? Homer then declares he would sell his soul for a doughnut, causing the Devil (in the form of Ned Flanders) to appear. After arriving safely to the school, everyone notices severe damage done to the outside of the bus. Was this review helpful to you? Later, Bart is seen walking around a room with paintings in light of Rod Serling's Night Gallery and tries to introduce the show, but Marge and Maggie interrupt telling Bart to tell the viewers that the show is scary and might prefer to listen to the old The War of the Worlds broadcast on the radio NPR instead but Bart ignores and they watch the first part. [1] As with the rest of the Halloween specials, the episode is considered non-canon and falls outside of the show's regular continuity. Damned David Mirkin Lisa informs everyone that Bart is acting very paranoid and asks that they act very nice to him, but everyone laughs at him instead. The Simpsons (season 5)-Wikipedia Bart slides right into the clutches of a vampire woman while the rest of undead surround him. Tags: Treehouse of Horror IV “Paintings, lifeless images rendered in colorful goop. On the back of a photograph, it is revealed that in a statement of love to Marge, Homer pledged his soul to her. While reading a book about the acts Burns had committed, the vampires in the lair awaken. Homer: Hey, wait. As expected, the Devil comes to take Homer's soul, but Lisa asks him to hold a trial, which the Devil agrees to at the stroke of twelve midnight. Sort: Relevant Newest # homer simpson # 3d # simpsons # comics # homer # homer simpson # the simpsons # angry # episode 8 # season 11 # time # place # grandmothers # the simpsons # vampire # mr burns # the simpsons # … sells his soul to the Devil for a donut, Bart contends with a gremlin on the side of the school bus "Treehouse of Horror XV" is the best Simpsons Halloween episode in the last 15 years. Homer's remark talking about the previous episode has a similarity to " … Lionel Hutz counters with the definition of a contract according to the dictionary, stating it as something that is unbreakable. Next story which is Bart Simpson's Dracula Mr Burns invites The Simpsons to dinner after closing a deal to buy blood bank., Lisa think Mr burns is vampire, while Mr burns bites Bart. A page for describing Recap: Simpsons S5 E5 "Treehouse of Horror IV". Treehouse of Horror IV is the fifth episode of Season 5 and the fourth episode in the Treehouse of Horror series of Halloween specials. One evening, Homer goes down to the kitchen, and without realizing it, eats the final bite of the doughnut. "Treehouse of Horror IV", which was broadcast on October 28, was the highest rated episode of the season, finishing 17th with a Nielsen rating of 14.5 and finishing ninth in terms of viewers, being seen by approximately 24 million. After signing a contract, Homer is given his doughnut, with the provision that as soon as it is finished, the Devil will own his soul. Bart and Lisa find Mr. Burns' secret lair while cleaning themselves from spilling "punch" (really blood) on themselves, which can be easily accessed by a staircase. Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends. However, Homer must spend the day in Hell being severely tortured until the trial. Aside from being chopped into pieces with a machete by a demon of some sort, his mouth, left ear, and both shoes are put in the "Hot Dog Meat" bin. You must be a registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin. Show Runner The Devil gives the evidence of the contract Homer signed, pledging his soul for a doughnut. When he wakes up to eat one, however, Lenny and Carl tell him that the remaining donuts have already been eaten. Bart eventually gets the emergency flares and throws one at the gremlin, knocking it off the bus, only to be picked up by Ned. Phil Hart-on-the-Stick Man as Lionel Hutz I think it is the best of the Simpsons. Bart's nightmare then comes true when a gremlin starts attacking the bus. Homer's head after being turned into a donut by Flanders the Devil. The Simpsons are then eating dinner and Lisa finds out that her whole family are vampires, including Grampa, who pretends to be the head vampire when in reality it's Marge. Note: These are Halloween names for the Louds. If I … ~ The Devil in the form of Ned Flanders in Treehouse of Horror IV Nedward "Ned" Flanders Jr. (also known as Ned Flanders ) is the Simpson Family's extremely religious next "diddly-door" neighbor. Leniuminati It originally aired on the Fox network in the United States on October 28, 1993, and features three short stories called "The Devil and Homer Simpson", "Terror at 5 1 ⁄ 2 Feet", and "Bart Simpson's Dracula". Main character(s) Lisa makes it back to her parents and warns them, but they don't believe her when Burns appears, blood on his very visible fangs, with a clearly bitten Bart, who drones in a zombie tone that nothing happened to him. Directed By Don't complain. DanielsBilious Bill Canterbury View production, box office, & company info, All Simpsons Treehouse of Horror Episodes Ranked, 2nd Annual Multi-verse Eating Competition, 1st Annual Multi-verse Eating Competition. The first was in " Treehouse of Horror IV ". October 28, 1993 Bart stopped the gremlin from destroying the bus, but with no alibi, he is declared insane for his behavior and is put in a straight-jacket and also sent to the New Bedlam Insane Asylum for the rest of his life. He shows her that he's bitten and vamped some of the Springfield kids (Milhouse, Martin, Ralph and Janey), with Lisa being next. The guide contains staff/voice credits, funny Simpsons quotes, references and other notes. David "Dry Bones" Silverman. Starring. Guide to the Simpsons episode "Treehouse of Horror IV". Back on Earth, Marge already has the trial area set up and hires Lionel Hutz to defend Homer. In this segment, the entire Simpson family including Bart, … 25 people found this helpful. However, Homer finds a loophole: if he doesn't finish the doughnut, he is safe. We sweep through Springfield Cemetery and see more amusing tombstones, then cut to a special Halloween couch gag. P3 The episode finished seventeenth in the ratings for the week of it aired, with a Nielsen rating of 14.5. The devil, disguised as Ned Flanders, comes up and signs a contract with him, causing more It was the highest-rated show on the Fox network that week. Bart notices a "Super Fun Happy Slide" lever, and pulls it, turning the stairs into a slide. In a parody of The Devil and Daniel Webster, Homer falls asleep at work, dreaming of donuts fashion. Use the HTML below. Which Marge tells Bart to leave Satan alone, sometime later the Blue Demon in the Ironic Punishment Division laughingly plans to feed Homer all the donuts in the world (this plan backfires when Homer gleefully keeps on eating, much to the confusion of the demon). Special Guest Voices It was first broadcast in the United States on the Fox Network on November 2, 2003. Summary: With a Night Gallery style opening, Bart introduces three tales. 5.0 out of 5 stars Great collection of Halloween Simpsons episodes! Bart tries to warn her but is so surprised he can't make full words come out of his mouth and makes her think he's doing Three Stooges impressions. Add the first question. Homer SimpsonBart SimpsonNed FlandersCharles Montgomery Burns It originally aired on the Fox Network in the United States on October 28, 1993, and features three short stories called "The Devil and Homer Simpson", "Terror at 5½ Feet", and "Bart Simpson's Dracula". The title sequence is as usual for Halloween episodes. Homer sells his soul to the Devil for a donut, Bart contends with a gremlin on the side of the school bus which only he can see, and the family discovers that Mr. Burns is a vampire. These are fantasies, and thus you… treehouse of horror iv 17147 GIFs. There it is obvious that Burns is a vampire (with Smithers acting as Renfield).