The intense heat can vaporize an iceberg instantly and boil the seawater that the magma lands in. He is a walking volcano. :black_small_square: La Magu Magu no Mi es una Akuma no Mi superior a la Mera Mera no Mi, ya que en Marine Ford vimos como Akainu podía quemar con su lava el fuego de Ace. WHICH OF THE TWO IS HOTTER?AmaterasuVsAkainu's Magma CALL OUTS.One Piece@whatiswritten@cocacolaman@floridaman29@hey_thatsmildlyadequate@whatamiseeing@ However, Akainu isn't unbeatable and in this article, we will be taking a look at five pirates who can defeat Akainu and five who can't. Estreia: Capítulo 554, Episódio 463 O usuário da Magu Magu no Mi pode manipular magma como quiser, fazendo-o assumir diversas formas e tamanhos diferentes. Onoki asked. Deadline for entries is Sept. 15th at 11:59 PM ET. Akainu / Sakazuki. Akainu ate the Magu Magu no Mi, a Logia-class Devil Fruit which grants him the ability to transform his body into magma and manipulate it at will. The player shoots a ball of magma that has spikes coming from it as it flies. The pool of magma is a solid red with spikes coming from the edges, and glows a bright red. Shanks’ Ultimate Goal is to Stop the Clan of “D.”. Not many characters would want to face Akainu and get in the way of his "Absolute Justice." Esto le valió ganarse el odio de Luffy. SABO VS. AKAINU, THE HIGHER ORDER OF LOGIAS AND AWAKENING. He is the user of Ito Ito no Mi, which is… He's about as tall as his fellow admirals, with a square-shaped face, very pronounced facial features, and short black hair. On the other hand we have Akainu, who (despite immense control over his Magu Magu no Mi) likely hasn’t Awakened his Devil Fruit, either. The Magma fruit is a Logia type devil fruit that turns the users body into magma, making them a magma human. One of the 3 Admirals from the anime One Piece. Log in or Sign up . Hiện tại, nhân vật đang sở hữu Trái Ác Quỷ này chính là Akainu (Sakazuki).. [OP QUIZ] Can you recognize all these ships? Magu Magu no Mi 14:10. User of the Magu Magu no mi. [OP QUIZ] Which One Piece character he is? If so, would Enel be able to defeat Akainu? The devil fruit allows its user to create, and manipulate fire at will. He used to be one of the three Marine Admirals, but he is now the current Fleet Admiral as Sengoku's successor. Akainu ate the Magu Magu no Mi, a Logia-class Devil Fruit which grants him the ability to transform his body into magma and manipulate it at will.The main strength of this Devil Fruit is that it allows the user to produce magma to attack their opponents with. Each of these meteors do 1,275 damage, the damage depends on how many meteors hit an npc. Como fruta del diablo de tipo logia, permite que los ataques físicos tales com… Akainu laughed," No. 9 WORSE: MERA MERA NO MI. Dung nham có nhiệt độ rất cao có thể ngay lập t Este poder, en un combate de diez días, fue lo suficientemente potente como para cambiar de forma permanente el ambiente de la mitad de una isla transformándolo en un ambiente infernal. 6 days ago. Sakazuki, formerly known by his epithet Akainu, is the current Fleet Admiral of the Marines. The refresh is 12 seconds. Akainu est un homme grand et robuste qui porte une veste rouge avec des boutons dorés et un nœud de papillon, en forme de rose, de couleur rose ainsi qu'une veste d'Amiral de la Marine et une casquette de la Marine cachant ses yeux sombre sur son visage. Akainu laughed," No. This move can be used in the air and will keep the user suspended. He is the current Fleet Admiral as Sengoku's successor. He usually wears a standard Marine cap and sports a crimson, double-breasted suit, decorated wit… Because of this, many fans speculate Akainu has awakened his Devil Fruit. Nauto nowfights in the name of the Absolute and True Justice of the world! Cependant, il faut mentionner que même si le Fruit du Démon d'Akainu a été capable de dominer les aptitudes à base de feu d'Ace, il fut complètement infructueux contre le Fruit du … He possesses the abilities of the Logia-type Devil Fruit, the Magma-Magma Fruit (Magu-Magu no Mi). I’m sure everyone has thought about this matchup since Sabo snagged the Mera-Mera no Mi during Dressrosa. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. This single magma ball deals 3,025 damage and has a refresh of 5 seconds. [OP QUIZ] Can you name the Pirate Crew by their Jolly Roger? 10 Can Defeat: Marco. Nome: Magu Magu no Mi Significado: Fruta do Magma Tipo: Logia Usuário: Sakazuki (Akainu) Nomenclatura: "Magu" é uma abreviação de "Maguma", que é "magma" em japonês. The user of the Magu magu no Mi is, essentially, unstoppable. Akainu's Devil Fruit allows him to create and control magma at will, which naturally offers a great deal of firepower. Le Magu Magu no Mi (Fruit du magma) est un Fruit du Démon de type Logia mangé par Akainu Sakazuki permettant à son utilisateur de contrôler/créer le magma et d'incarner cet élément. The user kicks the ground and generates a pool of lava that covers the ground. Akainu has the Most POWERFUL Devil Fruit in the Whole Series? Top 10 Strongest Armament Haki Users – Ranked. The Magma fruit is a Logia type devil fruit that turns the users body into magma, making them a magma human. 1) Magu Magu no mi: Esta es una fruta logia que le permite un elemento y se puede transformarse el cuerpo en dicho elemento Magma: Puede controlar y generar el magma que puede quemar el fuego Intangibilidad: Como todos los usaurios de una fruta logia puede hacerse intangible The player smacks the ground with both hands creating a pillar of magma. Como uma Logia, de Akainu, qualquer ataque que ele recebe seu corpo vira magma e ele não se machuca. According to an interview with Eiichiro Oda, he stated that if Akainu were to become the protagonist, he is so strong that he could end the One Piece series within a year. who possess fruits that are said to be the “strongest”.Is it safe to assume that a full-power awakened attack from Akainu is more powerful than anything, even Prime Whitebeard could muster? No featured entries match the criteria. Jan 13, 2013 #13 It seems too extreme. Forums > One Piece Avenue > Ohara Library > Come enter in the Cafe Banner Contest! User of the Magu Magu no mi. Welcome to Anime Royalty. Atsu Atsu no Mi and Magu Magu no Mi No Haki, forget Akainu and Don Acciano which Devil Fruit is stronger then the other, not the strongest Devil Fruit. Hiện tại, nhân vật đang sở hữu Trái Ác Quỷ này chính là Akainu (Sakazuki).. Around 10 meteors or so will fall from the sky and hit everything within close range of the player. O que o feri é Busoshoku Haki (Haki do Armamento), Haoshoku Haki (Haki do Rei Conquistador), Karatê Homem-Peixe, o usuário da Yami Yami no Mi que é o Marshall D. Te… Sakazuki is an incredibly tall, light-skinned, unusually muscular man (the most muscular of the former admirals). The intense heat can vaporize an iceberg instantly and boil the seawater that the magma lands in. Welcome to Anime Royalty. He is the most ruthless marine officer. The flight isn't that fast either, and has no redeeming abilities so it's overall just a decent fruit at best and not worth the price. Dismiss Notice; Welcome to the forums! Let’s give this a look. [OP QUIZ] Do you know everything about Skypiea Arc? Magu Magu no Mi é uma Akuma no Mi de classe Logia tipo mais forte que permite ao usuário se tornar, controlar e gerar magma. 10 BETTER: GURA GURA NO MI Es el actual almirante de flota de la marina y hombre que acabó con la vida de Portgas D. Ace. Foi comida por Mor Djibril. A principal força dessa Akuma no Mi é que ela permite que Akainu produza magma para atacar seus oponentes. This move only works for fighting npcs. It is said to have one of the highest offensive power among the devil fruits. Akainu est un personnage très puissant qui a été introduit durant l'arc Marineford, où on a pu le voir à l'œuvre notamment face à Barbe Blanche qu'il a mit grandement en difficulté en lui brûlant les organes, et participant en grande partie à sa mort. The destructive heat and explosive powers from the magma enables Akainu to cause massive damage, and to take on people like Emporio Ivankov and Jinbe with minimal effort.During the decisive ten day battle on Punk Hazard for the position of fleet admiral, Akainu showed the furious power of his Devil Fruit as he changed the weather of one side of Punk Hazard and left it in a blaze. And there is no ambiguity in the quoted statement – it clearly states that at its peak the Magu Magu no Mi attack power is peerless amongst all devil fruits. It's not easy for low level players to attain this fruit, and there are better Logia fruits that do more damage with better refreshes. Le Magu-Magu no Mi ( Fruit de la lave ) est un Fruit du Démon de type Logia qui permet à son utilisateur de produire, devenir et contrôler la lave, le transformant ainsi en Homme-lave. Akainu. E uma fruta que não basta apenas haki para combater, você tem que evitar a todo custo tomar porrada pq o dano é altíssimo. [OP QUIZ] How well do you know Whitebeard Pirates? The intense heat can vaporize an iceberg instantly and boil the seawater that the magma lands in. Akainu has the Magu Magu no Mi, which provides him with insane attacking power. Le Magu-Magu no Mi ( Fruit de la lave ) est un Fruit du Démon de type Logia qui permet à son utilisateur de produire, devenir et contrôler la lave, le transformant ainsi en Homme-lave. Ace’s control over his Devil Fruit extended to orange and yellow flames, as we saw throughout the entire first saga of the One Piece anime. Le Magu Magu no Mi est un Logia de type Fruit du Démon qui permet à l'utilisateur de créer, de contrôle, et de transformer en magma à volonté, en tournant l'utilisateur dans un homme Magma Il a été mangé par l amiral akainu le chien rouge , 2 ans plus tard il devin alor amiral en chef. In this Video we'll discuss which fruit is more powerful? So Akainu is confirmed to have the highest offensive power amongst all devil fruit users in One Piece.What’s really impressive though is that this also presumably encompasses characters like Whitebeard, Kaido, Blackbeard, etc. Canute87 Nuke Imminent. He has the power of a volcano, and the strength of a Admiral. All the attacks are close range, easy to dodge, and do little damage. Because of a deal made, he gains the power of the Magu Magu no Mi as a new Bloodline! Nauto nowfights in the name of the Absolute and True Justice of the world! He possesses the abilities of the Logia-type Devil Fruit, the Magma-Magma Fruit (Magu-Magu no Mi). 3:35. Luffy vs Akainu - One Piece. Le possesseur du fruit est un homme-magma. •Rogia: Appartenendo alla tipologia dei Rogia, il frutto rende Akainu un uomo fatto di puro magma, rendendo impossibile colpire il suo vero corpo. The intense heat can vaporize an iceberg instantly and boil the seawater that the magma lands in. Anime AMV. Akuma No Mi Mi One Manga Anime One Piece Mi One Manga Anime One Piece La fuerza principal de esta fruta del diablo es que el consumidor es capaz de producir magma a voluntad para atacar. King Piece Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. The final character on the list none other than "Heavenly Demon," Doflamingo. Magu Magu no Mi adalah Buah Iblis tipe Logia, yang dimiliki oleh sang Kepala Angkatan Laut, Akainu. But what does that mean for the comparison in strength? In game this fruit can be obtained through finding it, from Gacha, or from the Black Market. The story wouldn't be all that boring with Haki introduced earlier. Magu Magu là tên của một Trái Ác Quỷ hệ Logia cho phép người sử dụng tạo ra, điều khiển và biến thành dung nham theo ý muốn. 3: “With his level of controlling and the ability to freely manipulate the Lava, Akainu has the most powerful attack among devil fruits”. Akainu: Devil fruit: Logia Magu Magu no Mi (The lava) Haki: Perfects hardening haki (Busoshoku Haki). Akainu (real name: Sakazuki) is one of the main antagonists of the anime/manga, One Piece alongside Marshall D. Teach. He possesses the abilities of the Logia-type Devil Fruit, the Magma-Magma Fruit (Magu-Magu no Mi). Naruto has Akanu sealed in him. I love the fact that luffy struggles in his battles and was able to make it so far based on a single concept, being a condom. ₪ O usuário atual dessa fruta é o Almirante da Frota Sakazuki, também referido como Akainu. The user of the Magu magu no Mi is, essentially, unstoppable. Onoki asked. [OP QUIZ] How Well Do You Know Roronoa Zoro? Naruto Forums. I ask this because I was wondering whether or not the Goru Goru no Mi would be considered elementally superior to the Magu Magu no Mi? La Magu Magu no Mi es una Akuma no Mi de tipo logia, es decir que permite a su consumidor transformarse, controlar y crear un elemento natural, en este caso, el elemento es el magma, una masa de rocas fundidas que se encuentran a una temperatura elevada, que provienen del interior de la Tierra. Il a été mangé par l'Amiral Commandant en Chef Akainu. The intense heat can vaporize an iceberg instantly and boil the seawater that the magma lands in. This pillar surrounds the player and will damage anyone in it or near it. In game this fruit can be obtained through finding it, from Gacha, or from the Black Market. The magma hits 3 times, each hit does 1,765 damage in total doing 5,295 damage. One potential side benefit of the Magu Magu no mi is that if you use your power on water, wouldn't it the water cool off the magma and form rocks? According to an interview with Eiichiro Oda, he stated that if Akainu were to become the protagonist, he is so strong that he could end the One Piece series within a year. Karena kekuatannya yang mengerikan, Magu Magu no Mi sudah dianggap sebagai salah satu Buah Iblis terkuat yang pernah … Báo cáo. He is the current Fleet Admiral of the Marines, a position he earned after defeating Aokiji on Punk Hazard. Foi comida pelo Almirante Sakazuki, também conhecido por seu pseudo-nome Akainu. The pillar deals 3,775 damage and has a refresh of 11 seconds. The Magu Magu no Mi is a Logia-type[2] Devil Fruit that allows the user to create, control, and transform into magma at will, turning the user into a Magma Human (マグマ人間 Maguma Ningen?). The user puts their hand up and puts it down, releasing a red ring. Don't forget to check out our discord! Si une matière solide ou même gazeuse la traverse (ex: un sabre), elle passe à travers son corps ou fond. Người dùng trái này được gọi là Người Dung Nham. Magu Magu no Mi is the Devil Fruit of Akainu. [OP QUIZ] Can you recognize all these female characters? The meteors can't be aimed, they fly down at random. [OP QUIZ] How Well Do You Know One Piece? Devil Fruit Sakazuki possesses the Magma-Magma Fruit (マグマグの実, Magu Magu no Mi), a Logia-type Devil Fruit that allows him to create, manipulate, and transform into magma at will. Akainu Sakazuki est un Amiral de la Marine, précisément l'Amiral Commandant-en-Chef. This pretty much would confirm that Akainu is fully capable of generating attacks of a grade that even Prime Whitebeard couldn’t muster against Gol D. "\ "What is an Admiral?" Join the channel by subscribing, and check out our member's channels. In this Video we'll discuss which fruit is more powerful? If a player is low on hp the speed of the flight will be much slower, so running away with this fruit when low isn't an option. Magu Magu no Mi (fruta do Magma) - Akainu. Magu Magu no MiĐiểm mạnh và điểm yếu Sức mạnh của Devil Fruit cho phép Akainu tạo ra dung nham tấn công đối thủ. According to an interview with Eiichiro Oda, he stated that if Akainu were to become the protagonist, he is so strong that he could end the One Piece series within a year. This move is best used for groups of npcs scattered. Follow @WeTheCelestials on Amino. Sakazuki, who goes by the alias of "Akainu" is the current fleet admiral of the marine. Sakazuki, formerly known by his epithet Akainu, is the current Fleet Admiral of the Marines. Magu Magu là tên của một Trái Ác Quỷ hệ Logia cho phép người sử dụng tạo ra, điều khiển và biến thành dung nham theo ý muốn. I have the same abilities, and let me tell you, with it you could turn an entire shinobi village to the ground. 10 MAGU MAGU NO MI. The refresh is 14 seconds. However, Akainu isn't unbeatable and in this article, we will be taking a look at five pirates who can defeat Akainu and five who can't. This can be held to keep the user suspended. Abilità: Magu Magu no mi-----♦-----♦-----Effetti-----♦-----Grazie al frutto Magu Magu, Akainu è un uomo fatto di magma. The refresh is 8 seconds. Gravity fruit is a superior fruit in every way for much cheaper. [OP QUIZ] Can you put these characters in the correct camp, Marine or Pirate? The distance is long, but because of the travel speed it's impossible to hit players from a distance. Its magma. This magma ball is a solid bright red that travels at a decent speed. Ace’s control over his Devil Fruit extended to orange and yellow flames, as we saw throughout the entire first saga of the One Piece anime. Akainu x Mei Terumi! Duyệt thêm video. Sakazuki, formerly known by his epithet Akainu, is the current Fleet Admiral of the Marines. On the other hand we have Akainu, who (despite immense control over his Magu Magu no Mi) likely hasn’t Awakened his Devil Fruit, either. Akainu ate the Magu Magu no Mi, a Logia-class Devil Fruit which grants him the ability to transform his body into magma and manipulate it at will.The main strength of this Devil Fruit is that it allows the user to produce magma to attack their opponents with. But what does that mean for the comparison in strength? Il a été mangé par l'Amiral Commandant en Chef Akainu. Did Whitebeard confirm the connection between Shanks and Rocks D. Xebec? 6 days ago. The pillar itself looks like flames and is bright red. 1 Apariencia 2 Carácter 3 Poderes 3.1 Haki 3.2 Fruta del diablo 4 Historia 4.1 Pasado 4.2 Saga Marineford 4.3 Tras la guerra 5 Curiosidades Es un tipo de cara grande y cuadrada que le da una expresión seria. Naruto Kurotsuchi x Hana x Temari x Karui x Shizuka! Magu Magu no Mi - Trái ác quỷ bất khả xâm phạm của Akainu - Top Anime. One of the 3 Admirals from the anime One Piece. Luffy's Magma powers would be on a much smaller scale than Akainu's. The main strength of this Devil Fruit is that it allows the user to produce magma to attack their opponents with. Editar código Historial Discusión (0) Compartir. Oda hinted possible connection between Laugh Tale and Devil Fruits! Is God Valley the legendary metropolis mentioned by Bellamy? This red ring goes outwards from the users avatar and then short after meteors will come crashing down. Magu Magu no Mi memungkinkan Akainu untuk menciptakan magma, mengontrol magma, hingga bertransformasi ke dalam wujud yang disebut dengan Manusia Magma. Our website uses cookies to improve your experience. Akainu’s ability is naturally of a higher order than Ace’s pyrokinetic abilities, as the higher heat and smothering abilities of his magma allowed him to successfully harm Ace despite Ace’s Logia-defense, and ultimately kill Ace due to this superiority. Flare Flare Or Magma Devil fruit. On the other hand we have Akainu, who (despite immense control over his Magu Magu no Mi) likely hasn’t Awakened his DF, either. But does Sabo actually have a chance against the Magu-Magu no Mi Marine Fleet Admiral? Đang phát tiếp theo . Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Or a previous admiral to be specific. Trận Chiến Hay NHất Onepiece - Luffy vs Tesoro - Onepiece film gold. When it comes into contact with an enemy or npc it explodes leaving a magma crater behind. Anything that touches this pool of magma will get damaged and stunned. [OP QUIZ] Can you recognize the laughter of these characters? Akainu ate the Magu Magu no Mi, which is a logia type devil fruit. Sakazuki, formerly known by his epithet Akainu, is the current Fleet Admiral of the Marines. Not many characters would want to face Akainu and get in the way of his "Absolute Justice." It’s logical to expect that Akainu would have fully mastered his devil fruit by this point. O poder da fruta foi mostrado pela primeira vez durante a … Join the channel by subscribing, and check out our member's channels. To start with, why would Sabo want to challenge Akainu? Nous savons qu'il possède un fruit du démon destructeur qui est le Magu Magu No Mi (Fruit du magma). Follow @WeTheCelestials on Amino. Quem vocês acham que vai enfrentar e derrotar em definitivo o Akainu? He is one the three Marine Admirals and one of the most powerful fighters the Marines have to offer. Akainu x Mei Terumi! A Magu Magu No Mi é um dos frutos do diabo em One Piece do tipo Logia e permite que quem a coma se torne um. "Magu" vem de "Maguma", que é a pronúncia japonesa da palavra "Magma". Esto se puede deber a que el magma se encuentra a más temperatura que el fuego. When the meteor hits it creates a magma crater in it's place.