Long after dark we reached home and found the cottage empty; the family were all out hunting for us. The empty title of grand-marshal given by Maximilian was all he gained. After Josh left the farm, she stared at the empty doorway. Bird Song was empty, or so they thought, when they returned. The treasury was empty, the Boers refused to pay their taxes, and there was no power to enforce them. "Empty Spaces" is a transitional song. As the season advances and the flowers yield nectar more freely, visible signs of combbuilding will be observed in the whitened edges of empty cells in the brood-chambers; the thoughtful workers are lengthening out the cells for honey-storing, and the bee-master takes the hint by giving room in advance, thus lessening the chance of undesired swarms. "Where is everyone?" Which Verbs are Used as Empty Verbs? In metaphysics and the philosophy of language, an empty name is a proper name that has no referent. First off, all the ice climbers are leaving so there's no hurry cleaning up what's going to be empty rooms, probably until the weekend. His heart, taken from the body when it was embalmed, and given to Madame Denis and by her to Madame de Villette, was preserved in a silver case, and when it was proposed (in 1864) to restore it to the other remains, the sarcophagus at Sainte Genevieve (the Pantheon) was opened and found to be empty. It had been nearly a month of empty Thursday nights since his no-show session with Ethel Rosewater and the beautiful Betty from Boise was offering an effective way to make sure that embarrassment was a temporary happening. Fred poured a full glass of Tequila for Weller but left the other two glasses empty. Two small streams empty into Lake Pampa Aullaguas, which has a small outlet in the Lacahahuira flowing west for 60 m. that empty into Great Salt Lake, Utah) rises in Yellowstone National Park a few miles from the heads of the Madison fork of the Missouri, which flows to the Gulf of Mexico, and the Green fork of the Colorado, which flows to the Gulf of California. He felt it in the quiver of her hand­shake and saw it in the empty look in her eyes. In fact, it was empty, except for the nun who brought her breakfast. 1. holding or containing nothing 2. devoid of significance or point 3. having nothing inside 4. needing nourishment 5. emptied of emotion. His eyes adjusted quickly to the darkened room as he passed empty shelves to a second door. He all but dragged the healer to Kris.s room, found it empty, then went to Katie.s chamber. But what about the empty space in grandma's album just waiting for her granddaughter's wedding invitation? Another full bath and two more bedrooms - all empty. The field was empty, his men preparing for another space battle. Empty word definition, (especially in Chinese grammar) a word or morpheme that has no lexical meaning and that functions as a grammatical link or marker, rather than as a contentive. Fertile glumes generally longer than the empty, unawned or with a straight, terminal awn. In the first sentence you’ll note that I’ve used do the dishes. overall, identifies whatever contains nothing. There was one strangely large and empty area which was a big anticlimax, tho. What does empty mean? Their au pair, Philip's business partner and his wife all see the empty flat as an ideal place for a secret assignation. Glass Prisons, Empty Lives From ' Cleo ' to ' Nemo ' ' Finding Nemo ' is the latest animated blockbuster from Disney. Microscopic examination of a specimen of mature cotton shows that the hairs are flattened and twisted, resembling somewhat in general appearance an empty and twisted fire hose. If a luminous body is surrounded by empty space, the light which it emits suffers no loss of energy as it travels outwards. If it were not so, Lucretius tells us, there could be no motion, for the atom which gives way first must have some empty place to move into. In colchicum poisoning, empty the stomach, give white of egg, olive or salad oil, and water. Rhyn opened the door, surprised to find the jailer's room empty. I have met people so empty of joy, that when I clasped their frosty finger tips, it seemed as if I were shaking hands with a northeast storm. gives an account of her finding the tomb empty and of her interview with the risen Jesus. Into the huge delta of the Niger several other rivers (the " Oil Rivers ") empty themselves; the chief being, on the west, the Benin, and on the east the Brass. In other words, order and method, combined with the habit of taking time by the forelock, are absolutely necessary to the bee-keeper, seeing that the enormous army of workers under his control is multiplying daily by scores of thousands. Her cell phone had no signal, her head throbbed, and the coffee pot was empty. 14, drawn through these points give the centre of pressure, for the reservoir full and empty respectively, at any horizontal plane. It matched the welt on his other arm. The faithful prostrated themselves before an adorned but empty chair, which was raised upon a podium of five steps. Score along the fold lines by dragging something like a pair of blunt scissors or an empty biro along the edge of a ruler. The room beneath the collapsed building was empty. She showed him around the ground floor of the. Rhyn opened it, surprised to find a syringe and two small bottles, one empty and one filled with wine-colored solution. ), offered to acknowledge Portuguese suzerainty if he were restored to the throne by Portuguese arms, and Sebastian eagerly accepted these terms. A surgical operation is sometimes undertaken with success for enabling the engorged veins to empty themselves into the blood-stream in a manner so as to avoid the liver-route. We left an empty bottle by his car and tent and drove back in the Ford. Sometimes, especially towards the summit of a dichasium, owing to the exhaustion of the growing power of the plant, only one of the bracts gives origin to a new axis, the other remaining empty; thus the inflorescence becomes unilateral, and further development is arrested. i guess and empty sentence is a sentence wherein the words don't give a meaning at all or doesn't have sense. In 1611 circumstances had disgusted him with his new ally; but in 1614 he courted him again, not only on grounds of general policy, but because he hoped that the large portion which would accompany the hand of an infant a would go far to fill the empty treasury~. His empty gaze shifted momentarily from the window to her face. We read in a papyrus of a strike of starving laborers in the Theban necropolis who would not work until corn was given to them, and apparently the government storehouse was empty at the time, perhaps in consequence of a bad Nile. The world without God would be "chaos," and God without the world an empty "phantasm.". The other bottle's empty. In the eastern part are three complicated drainage systems of rivers very largely tidal. A parliamentary commission, appointed to inquire into the charges against him, discovered only that Crispi, on assuming office in 1893, had found the secret service coffers empty, and had borrowed from a state bank the sum of £12,00o for secret service, repaying it with the monthly instalments granted in regular course by the treasury.