Use less energy (hence less […] Effects of acid rain. However, acid rain became an important government issue only after six to seven decades. Acid rain may be caused by one country, but it may affect other countries far distant from it. Acid Rain – Causes, Effects, Importance, Essay, Article, Speech, Paragraph. Although acid-rain gases may originate in urban areas, they are often carried for hundreds of miles in the atmosphere by winds into rural areas. This is especially true of trees at high elevations in various regions of the U.S. Bioscience 49 (October 1999):789–800. Effects of Acid Rain . … Not all acidic deposition is wet.Sometimes dust particles can become acidic as well, and this is called dry deposition.When acid rain and dry acidic particles fall to earth, the nitric and sulfuric acid that make the particles acidic can land on statues, buildings, and other manmade structures, and damage their surfaces. Many of us believe that the rain is distilled and pure and brings in relief but it is not this rain that includes all the pollutants and the dirt. Forests, lakes, and streams: Acid rain can cause widespread damage to trees. That is why forests and lakes in the countryside can be harmed by acid rain that originates in cities. Dehayes, Donald et al. Rotting vegetation and erupting volcanoes release some chemicals that can cause acid rain, but most acid rain is a product of human activities. Acid rain affects nearly everything: plants, soil, trees, buildings and even statues. That aluminum might be detrimental to animals as well as plants. Acid rain is one of the important environmental threats and occurs due to the presence of certain acids in the atmosphere. After studying the Hubbard Brook Forest and other areas, researchers found several important effects of acid deposition on both natural and man-made environments. Effects of Acid Rain Impacts of Acid Rain on Plants and Trees. Acid rain is caused by emissions of sulphur dioxide dioxide and nitrogen oxide, which react with the water molecules in the atmosphere to produce acids. Driscoll, Charles T. et al. The environment can generally adapt to a certain amount of acid rain. Acid rain removes minerals and nutrients that trees need to grow. Acid Rain Revisited: Advances in Scientific Understanding Since the Passage of the 1970 and 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments. 1. Effects of Acid Rain on Materials. Acid rain has been linked to detrimental effects in the environment and in human health. ADVERTISEMENTS: Some of the major procedures that must be followed to control acid rain are as follows: The phenomenon of acid rain is highly interactive problem and remedial measures to control it are very expensive. Acid rain leaches aluminum in the ground. "Acid Rain Impacts on Calcium Nutrition and Forest Health." Aquatic settings are the most clearly affected by acid deposition, however, because acidic precipitation falls directly into them. Acid rain is a rain or any other form of precipitation that is unusually acidic, meaning that it has elevated levels of hydrogen ions (low pH).It can have harmful effects on plants, aquatic animals, and infrastructure. Dead or dying trees are a frequent sight in areas affected by acid rain. This is because of weather patterns such as global winds which move areas of rainfall from one country to the next. Acid rain is any form of precipitation that contains acidic components, such as sulfuric or nitric acid. The harmful rain was discovered by an English scientist, Robert Angus Smith who came up with the term ‘Acid Rain’ in 1872, when he saw corrosion on the surfaces of buildings and plants because of rain. Reduce amount of sulphur dioxide and oxides of nitrogen released into the atmosphere i.